Teaching executives is both challenging and rewarding.  A professor has a relatively short time to win over a class and convince them that the content that she has will immediately help them contribute positively to their bottom line.  The topic of communication particularly requires that applied and tool-based approach.  Executives should leave every one of my classes with specific strategies and tools for approaching the way they communicate at work and at home.  That is my primary goal and my means of assessing myself.

Companies I have had the opportunity to work with include:

AARP, APTA, Abengoa, Alion, American Veterinary College, Areva, Avon, Bayer, Cienna Communications, Community Connections, Clark Construction, Community Wealth Ventures, DC Public Schools, DuPont, Heritage Foundation, International Security Managers Association, NSC Clearinghouse, Marriott, MedStar Health, Microsoft, Mount Washington Hospital, National Association of Broadcasters, National Journal, Nextel, Pace Global Energy, Panasonic, the Pentagon, Rolls Royce, School Nutrition Association, Smithsonian, Sprint, US Chamber of Commerce, US Fish and Wildlife, US Senate, Veterans Association, and the World Bank.
