Computer Mediated Communication initially described the use of computers to support interaction. As digital media has expanded past simply the use of computers as devices, this area has also been called mediated communication. I have published many articles in this area.
The ones that I have found particularly interesting have all been in the healthcare area:
Can messages make a difference? The association between E-mail messages and health outcomes in diabetes patients. This investigation examined the impact of social support messages on patient health outcomes. Using data gathered from healthcare providers’ emails to patients and the amount of emotional and social support they contained, we found that supportive messages correlated significantly with improved health.
Impersonal, interpersonal, and hyperpersonal social support: Cancer and older adults. One of the ways that cancer patients cope or adapt to their illness is through socially supportive communicative interactions and relationships. We explore the patients’ desired social support, the social support they receive, and the relationship through which they receive it. In addition, we argue that computer-mediated social support can be superior to face-to-face social support.
Developing an optimal match within online communities: An exploration of CMC support communities and traditional support. This study investigates the complementary nature of face-to-face and computer-mediated social support and the development of a context through which hyperpersonal communication can develop within online communities -- here, online cancer support communities. We compared online participants' perceptions of illness support from the list with the support they received from a nonmediated relationship. Respondents participated more within the online community only when they perceived that the depth and support that they received from the online community was high, and when the depth and support they received from the specific person in their life was low.
Computer-based telecommunication among and illness-related community: Design, delivery, functions, and early use of HIGHnet. This study was one of the first of its kind, prior to wide adoption of the internet, we studied a group of patients with hemophilia and their use of computer based support system using a dial up modem. We found that computer mediated communication provided an excellent mechanism for providing support and education to patients. Training on the technology proved critical to use.
For a complete list of articles, visit my CV